a gospel - centered church

in the anglican tradition

Following Christ's disciples in the Book of Acts we are dedicated "to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers." Acts 2:42

  • rally sunday

    Mark your calendars for September 8, 2024 and join us for the kick off the the 2024-2025 calendar year filled with opportunity!


  • Live stream service

    Join us each Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. as we gather together to worship together

    .watch live

  • Sermons & Teachings

    Charles Spurgeon's preaching method was to make a bee-line to the cross. He once quipped, "The motto of true servants of God must be, 'We preach Christ; and Him crucified.' A sermon without Christ in it is like a loaf of bread without any flour in it, [a brook without water, or a sky without a sun]." We agree completely and strive to point people to Christ in every sermon and teaching.


  • Events & happenings

    Each week the bulletin is a source of information that completes the Sunday service and resource to what is happening this week.

    weekly happenings

Why Anglican?

Because it is a Biblical and beautiful expression of the Christian faith. One that is able to bring together people from all denominational backgrounds; as well as, a lost world that is desperately searching for the truth. 



When you meet Matt (from Iowa), there are several things you will know right off the bat; 

He always points to Christ, his love for family, and how to treasure and protect Christ's flock. You'll most definitely hear him speak of C. S. Lewis, Tim Keller, and his appreciation of Jeeps.
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Find out more information about our Community Groups



1st Sunday of each month is discretionary fund giving. Tithing gifts made here, too.



BUILD bridges, CONNECT with others, & SERVE our glorious Savior, Jesus Christ.



Find out when we meet for prayer and submit prayer requests.

Our Ministries

You're not alone here at Holy Trinity!

Dive into a community focused on loving God

and loving others.

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