Prayer Request

Whatever chapter of your life... whether struggling in school, starting a new family, or dealing with addiction, illness, or death... you're never alone at Holy Trinity. Let us know what your challenges are and we will pray for you. If you wish, your prayer request will also be posted below, so that the whole Church (not just our staff) may together pray to God that He will ensure your well-being.

Prayer requests

Prayer teams and all others are invited to pray for requests listed below.


Call me Job. My entire life is cursed or vexed. My husband is estranged entertaining adultery, my adult children are wayward, my finances & income are constantly afflicted or insufficient, my health is diminishing and doctors aren't getting to the root causes, and this perpetual onslaught of attacks or afflictions have been going on for years now with no real signs of recovery or resolve, and I really need YAHWEH to step in my situation and raise up a standard against the enemy who has consumed my life. Pray that Yeshua Hamashiach lifts up a standard against the enemy who has came in like a [never-ending] flood. Let God be true and our enemies be scattered in each of our lives, in my marriage, and in each of my adult-children's lives as well. Shall it be done according to the Lord's will, in Jesus Christ's mighty name, I pray for victory in our lives, amen!


Please pray that the order on the deprivation of the public benefit status of animal shelter U. be stopped. Pray that the shelter will receive tax breaks for many more years and wins procurement , that it will receive many donations and that many pets will be adopted. thank you


Kindly please pray for healing of my schizophrenia illness, especially the hell of psychotic and distressing noise of cars constantly bearing down on me, suffered for years now.


Lord Jesus, Touch and strengthen Your servants Gopal Popoff and Mike Usunov as they look to You for healing from neurological injuries sustained in automobile accidents. I am the LORD that healeth thee. -Exodus 15:26. Do this for Your glory and their benefit and comfort as I pray in Your mighty name. Amen.


I had a collision with another driver yesterday and wrecked my car. The Lord kept me safe, and my daughter picked me up and will look after my needs while I am without a car. Please pray that I will see the joyful outcome Jesus has planned in this seemingly upsetting situation.

real power


Give thanks or make a prayer request...

We are committed to praying for each other because we believe there is great power in prayer (James 5:16). Especially during this unusual season of uncertainty because of the threat of the coronavirus and quarantine, we recognize how important it is to stay connected through prayer.

If you would like to share news about something for which you are thankful or a specific prayer request, please know your prayers are heard and prayed upon. 

You can choose to post your prayer request for public viewing so others can join you in prayer, or you can submit it only to prayer leaders (shepherds & ministers) who will remember you in their prayers daily.


Click on the praying hands icon below to let the person you know that you are praying for him/her. They will receive an email notification letting them know that someone is praying for them. Thank you for being committed to prayer a beautiful expression of connection to our Father and our fellowship of this communion in Christ our Lord.