Palm Sunday begins holy week,

Easter eggstravaganza, maundy thursday & good friday

and the easter services

enjoy service and community during these times of fellowship

Palm Sunday is the beginning of a triumphal entry into Holy Week. Come and join in the festivities. A Pancake luncheon, followed by egg hunts for all ages, petting zoo and children's activities kick off the week of services for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Baptism Saturday and Easter Sunday. 

holy week & Easter eggstravaganza 2024

Mark your calendar

Palm Sunday begins Holy week with the annual Eggstravanza event. Easter egg hunts, pancake brunch, petting zoo that will be sure to bring loads of smiles that begin this week's services. 

Holy Week services 2023  

join us in the journey

  • Maundy Thursday ~ April 6 at 6:00 p.m.
  • Good Friday ~ April 7 at 12:00 p.m.
  • Easter Sunday Services ~ April 9
  • 7:00 a.m. at the Florida Yacht Club
  • 10:00 a.m. at Holy Trinity
  • Easter services are a glorious time for the celebration of our risen savior. All are welcomed to attend this triumph over death and the grave. In this Easter message, Rev. Matthew Rusch, serves up an remembrance and celebration of  the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia Christ is risen!The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia, Alleluia Alleluia!

The ominous morning

Is it truly surprising that Easter morn may start with gray skies and trepidation? As believers of scripture we know that the women who journeyed to the tomb must have endured the same..



You are invited to come out Palm Sunday, April 2,  to discover and celebrate the beginning of Holy Week. Starting with the annual Palm Sunday service and followed by the annual Eggstravaganza! Fun for all ages as we move towards Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunrise and 10 a.m. services.

Palm Sunday & holy week  calendar


Mark your calendar for Palm Sunday, April 10, after the service the annual Eggstravaganza. Invites are in the pew rack for you to welcome family and friends to the event and to the Holy Week services. 

Easter Sunrise Service 7:00 am &

10:00 AM Sunday Service

choose your service time

Easter services are a glorious time for the celebration of our risen savior.

All are welcomed to attend this triumph over death and the grave. In this Easter message, Rev. Matthew Rusch, serves up an remembrance and celebration of  the resurrection of Jesus Christ. 

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia Christ is risen!

The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia, Alleluia Alleluia!